Death Bed

✍🏾 #PenDown 

Blog # 01.

I visited to #DeathBed Being a nurse working since 2005 tirelessly in different areas category's, different City's, Metropolitan City, had wonderful experience internationally with great team work. Different staffs Doctors.
 I never felt that, Ooh health and health workers is this only. Always I passionated my work, work style 

But after all when I selected ( community health officer) & got a opportunity to work in my hometown, my community, my villages. I was excited for new experience.....
Here started new face new journey...
It was not well arranged but tried arrange the things or else acquired the atmosphere...

But still I'm passionated, when difficulties came I tried to council my self as it was new face of my life...
Saw abounded Parents in community ( Village level). Tried to coup up so on n on....

Saw different categories...

But I was solid person ...
Today when a guy came to me asked sir can you come to my house Start some IV Fluids as my grandfather is unable to eat properly having diarrhea since yesterday... I said him please get him in primary health center. We will take care he said it's not possible as my GF is suffering with CVA ( Cerebral vascular accident). Convinced me after a while agreed him visited his house...

When I visited, #Speechless can't explain u all but can share u some...

About 70+ year's Grand father is lying in varanda (open space).  He can't move him self, when I saw sarounding shocking!!! Family made him to sleep near domestic animals place... No cleanliness nothing...
No bath from months.  He was lying like abounded, by family they can't take care him!!!  When I checked his BP it's 80/70 mmHg  he's on #DeathBed .....

I can't continue further I'm sorry...
Is this our culture... Are we not going to reach that age...

(17/March/2019 Posted in my FB page).


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